The good news of Jesus is for all people

Around the world Eastgate strengthens the local church through these partnerships.

Arotahi: New Zealand Baptist Missionary Society

Supporting Freedom Businesses in South Asia, providing gospel-centred communities and transforming lives.

Badmaa: Mongolia

The National Director of Genesis Asian Outreach Mongolia, training church leaders, rural church planting, LifeSkills Values classes and holiday programmes for school kids.

Benjamin: ‘South Asia’

Living for Jesus through persecution to serve Jesus in impoverished, unreached communities of South Asia, supporting a network of churches and leaders living radically for Jesus.

Bruce: Global

Developing local leaders in mission around the world in evangelism, discipleship, church planting, community development, and humanitarian aid.

Jay & Pauline: Global

Serving the global Church while based here in New Zealand: writing, leading, serving, listening, speaking and learning alongside the global church so that more may be reached, more effectively, with more impact.

Kim: Indonesia

Working in equipping teams and reaching the jungle peoples of Borneo, Indonesia.

Pastor Andy: South Pacific

Working with Langham Preaching to equip preachers and pastors in the South Pacific—released for a week or two each year to support those where resources are limited so that God’s church may be strengthened.

Pastor Tuks Nakesu: Fiji/South Pacific

A Fijian pastor, and Associate Langham Preaching Regional Director - equip preachers and pastors in the South Pacific and beyond.

Skripja Yunion: Vanuatu

Scripture Union Camp, Port Vila—serving and reaching the Church and the diverse peoples of Vanuatu. Eastgate sends teams to serve there in mission maintenance each year.

Tearfund: Indonesia

Sponsoring children—to know peace, prosperity and the good news of Jesus.

Give to Global Missions
“Jesus says, It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Acts 20:35

On the third Sunday of every month we offer an opportunity in our Sunday service to give financially to support our global mission partners. You may give in-person, online, or via direct debit.

Give online here