Welcome to Eastgate Christian Centre!

We are a diverse church, knowing that God the Father loves all people so we’re living with confidence that Jesus can transform anyone. Faith in Jesus is radically changing our lives, our families and our communities. Come along to one of our services, join a mid-week group, and know the power of God’s Spirit as we honour Him together. We’re from all kinds of places and backgrounds. We’re not perfect; we don’t expect you to be, everyone is welcome here.

Andy Shudall, Senior Pastor
A message from Andy
Meet Our Team
We’re here to help!

Our enthusiastic team of pastors and leaders would love to meet you in person. We have different roles and responsibilities, but all of us enjoy a good coffee and chat so feel free to make contact. Our heart is to see people transformed in Jesus and fulfilled in serving him. 

Our staff and leaders

Sign Up to our Emails

We send weekly newsletter emails every Friday—this is the one you don't want to miss.

Occasionally we send other churchwide emails with updates from our leadership team or global mission partners.

Sign up here